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Evaluate Your GRC Maturity

Hyperproof’s GRC Maturity quizzes are designed to help you self-assess and estimate your organization’s GRC maturity across:

Governance | Risk | Compliance | Compliance Operations

By estimating the maturity of each process, organizations can determine which lower-maturity GRC processes represent the most meaningful areas for organizational improvements.

As no one person in an organization would be expected to know all of the answers to these questions, the resulting score should be considered an estimate based on the individual’s experience and knowledge of organizational processes. A more robust and well-rounded assessment would involve creating consensus across multiple organizational users.

ComOps GRC Maturity

Maturity Levels

Each maturity level represents intentional work on the part of an organization to improve, though once that work has been completed, it should be considerably easier to sustain.


Reactive with insufficient or no planning


Beginning to define processes at a departmental level


Establishing defined, repeatable processes at the organizational level


Proactively using measurements to continuously improve performance

GRC Maturity Workflow

Ready to see where you fall?

Each maturity level represents intentional work on the part of an organization to improve, though once that work has been completed, it should be considerably easier to sustain. At the end of each quiz, you’ll receive your maturity score and actionable advice on how to advance your maturity level.

Governance Maturity Self-Assessment Quiz

Risk Maturity Self-Assessment Quiz

Compliance Maturity Self-Assessment Quiz

Compliance Operations Maturity Self-Assessment Quiz

Hyperproof’s GRC Maturity Model

To take a deep dive into self-assessing your GRC Maturity, download Hyperproof’s GRC Maturity Model.